Every now and then, I ask parents who visit my Facebook autism forum to tell me what their biggest and most consistent worry is. Below is the list of top ten concerns in my unofficial poll. Click each for information, inspiration and collaboration: Worrying about the future. What will happen when I'm gone? The BIGGEST worry by far. Many stories on the topic HERE. Just scroll away. Handling Meltdowns/Aggression Best and most effective treatment? Feeding Problems/ Sleeping Helping my … [Read more...]
Autism FAQ : “What’s the best way to potty train my child?”
Potty Training, Autism Style Training a child to "go" on the potty is kind of like giving birth. Once it is DONE, you forget what a rough stage it was to go through. I asked a group of parents of teenagers with autism to recall what their potty training experience was like, and they looked at me as if I’d asked them a trick question. “I’ve blocked it out,” one finally replied, “all I remember was that it was all consuming and discouraging and went on forever. Can we change … [Read more...]
Autism: How to help someone who doesn’t ask for help
The question that I am asked most frequently goes something like this: "My grandson Joey is three years old and he's not talking and he doesn't sleep. My daughter in law has had to pick him up from pre-school at least once a week because he has tantrums and is nearly impossible to soothe. He never plays with other children and I think he has autism, but my son says there is nothing wrong. I think he's in denial. What should I do?" Whether you have a friend or family member that you think … [Read more...]